Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I dream of London

I've got an itching to go to London. Yes, I want to see Big Ben, and the Buckingham Palace and the famous museums. However, when it comes to London, my persuasion for going is the nigh-to-perfect selections of vintage shops. I've spent the past days browsing the websites of vintage stores there, and sighing with disappointment that I couldn't be there at the snap of my fingers in the fashion of Mary Poppins. When I think of London,  I think of Alexa Chung(whose style is perfection!), and little picturesque red phone booths, and style-great style! Oh, but to be a fly on the streets of London, flying this-a-way and that, risking the continuous threat of death that's synonymous with being a fly just to have a peek at the hustle and bustle that is London!

purple bananas and fudgeballs

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