Thursday, June 14, 2012

Flower Girl's Dress

(dress- xhiliration, blouse- r21, shoes-converse thrifted, hat- black poppy)

With it being as hot as it is and it's not even mid summer yet, sometimes dresses are the way to go. I mean,  even shorts can only do so much for letting a breeze come through. As I don't own that many dresses (working on fixing that problem) most of the dresses that I wear are borrowed from my this one.  

purple bananas and fudgeballs


  1. That's the kind of outfits that makes one wants to run in the countryside (or just read and picnik under a tree...)

  2. Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again Flower Girl Dress London

  3. This is a good,common sense article.Very helpful to one who is just finding the resources about this part.It will certainly help educate me.

  4. It seems like what we could derive out of the entire scenario is that people really need to be aware of the right place for the right kind of the stuff, and that is where we exactly come in, as we know how important it is to get a dress for an infant and that also to get it for less.

  5. Now with much savings, you can shop for designer labels at flowergirldressforless. The stock is available at their website


I read all of the comments and appreciate them whether I agree with them or not. #freespeech lol