Wednesday, October 31, 2012



The weather here is so bipolar. One day it's freezing, and the next it feels like summer again. Ugh. Anyway, I didn't let the weather get me down,, today. I marked up a sweater I'd thrifted, borrowed the hubs necklace, pulled on my vintage nike's and went on with my day. 

I found these jeans (jeggings?) at the Buffalo Exchange, and now they're my favorite pair of jeans. I plan to wear them with everything I own. Ev-er-y-thang. 

Anyways, I've gotta take the little booger trick-or-treating, so..later. 
Oh, yeah, and...
Happy Halloween!

Currently Vibing to:
Kendrick Lamar: Good Kid Baad City
(yup, I love the whole damn album)

purple bananas and fudgeballs


  1. You have such an adorable and unique sense of style - I love your blog and how your photographs seem to speak so much! I have followed you, love :) x

    There's a new post up on my blog and I'd love to hear your thoughts on it so feel free to stop by and follow if you'd like to!

    ♡, Fatima (fashionpilgrim)
    Twitter: @fashpilgrim
    Instagram: @fashionpilgrim


I read all of the comments and appreciate them whether I agree with them or not. #freespeech lol